Executing Actions
First time executing actions? Check out the overview of how it works.
To execute an action on a segment:
1. Download the 'Created' Items
'Created' items are the items that are assigned to you as an operator. Items are referenced in the context of segments.
To download the created items:
- On the left menu panel under OPERATORS, click on your operator name (in this example, its DEMO 3PL PARTNER).
- Click on the team name (in this example, its Driver Team), then click Generic.

- Under Created tab, select the items you want to download (or search for their custom property using the Filter function). To view the data structure of the downloaded file, see Data Structure.
Don't see any item on the Created tab? Make sure items have been booked and assigned to this operator.

To filter the view, use the Segment Status or Sync Status filter. Segment Status refers to the different statuses defined by your enterprise administrator. Read about Sync Status.

You can also search within the filters, and export the search results by the Export button on the top right corner of the dialoge box. Once you click Filter, you can paste the text and click on the Validate button to search.

NOTE: At the moment, you can only search and validate 1000 items at a time.

- Once you have selected the items, click Download.
This will download the file in CSV format. For information about the data in the file, see Data Structure. Take note of the Segment Id. This will be your reference on the next steps.

Tip: You can select the custom properties that you want to include in the downloaded CSV file. See: Custom Property ID settings.
Once you have downloaded the file, you are now ready to acknowledge the items.
2. Acknowledge the Items
In this step, you are confirming that the data in your (operator) application matches the data you have just downloaded from Zyllem in Step 1.
To acknowledge items:
Under the same Created tab, select the items you want to acknowledge (or search for their custom property using the Filter function).
Click Acknowledge. Note that the 'Acknowledge' button only appears after you have downloaded the items.

Once you have acknowledged the items, they will be moved to the Active tab. You are now ready to execute actions.
3. Execute Actions
In this step, you are sending action execution updates back to Zyllem so that it can update the status, activity logs, etc. for the said segments. There are two ways to do this: via File Upload or via Manual Action. Below is a summary of the capabilities and limitations of these 2 methods:
Bulk Execution | Artifact Support | Specify Execution Time | |
FILE UPLOAD | Yes, execute unlimited number of segments | Upload text-based artifacts only (includes COD) | Yes |
MANUAL ACTION | Yes, execute at most 200 segments | Upload all types of artifacts | No, system captures the actual date & time the action was executed on the web portal |
To execute actions via file upload:
- On the same page, click on Active tab.
- Click Bulk Actions.

Optionally, you can re-download the items through the Download button in this page, if you need to refer back to the Segment Ids you want to perform an action on.
- Upload your bulk action file in CSV format.
If this is your first time to upload a file, download the template and follow the formats described in BULK ACTION TIPS.

Upload one action per segment
Note that you can only upload one action per unique segment. For example, if you want to execute two actions to the same segment, you will need to upload the actions in a separate file.
The system automatically deletes all files that were uploaded more than 30 days. This is done to ensure optimum performance.
- Review the entries and click Next. During this stage, the system validates your entries (if errors are found, a message will be displayed on the screen).

- Click Confirm.
Once the action has been executed, the items will move to any of these tabs: Active, Closed, or Invalidated depending on the status of the segment and the actions performed See how it works.
To execute actions via manual action:
- On the same page, click on Active tab.
- Select the items (or use search).
- Click on the action you want to perform (in this example, it is **Full Delivery)

- The next steps will vary depending on the artifacts required (in this example, COD amount is required).

- Click Confirm to proceed with the actions.

Once the action has been executed, the items will move to any of these tabs: Active, Closed, or Invalidated depending on the status of the segment and the actions performed (see how it works. In this example, it's the Active tab. Newly updated items can be identified by looking at the Updated At column.

Cancel a Segment
If you want to execute a cancel action, you can do so via the Items page or follow the same steps in this document.
Updated almost 2 years ago